CELEBRATING Reconciliation in the Park 2014


Over 450 people attended the event this year.

Thanks to Mel King: Co-ordinator and the Working Group plus many volunteers on the day.


Local schools provided reconciliation themed art for Geelong Gallery.

Local Aboriginal musicians sang throughout the day, Trades Hall members cooked the BBQ, and everyone enjoyed the activities, learning and strengthening of friendships together.

Politicians spoke about Constitutional Recognition and the recently adopted Geelong City Council

'Karreenga Aboriginal Action Plan'.


Comments included: 

Great event, Fantastic to see the involvement of local high schools. Also great to see Mick Ryan from Barwon Medicare Local performing. 

Great Djillong time line and website, learnt a lot! 

Information on The Storyteller was fantastic. Thanks for a great event.

Great work Mel. Well put together. Lots of information. Great to see so many people coming together.

I felt very welcome - it's a great family day. 

MANY more comments were contributed to the 2014 banner, which is featured below in the photo gallery (click on on a photo to enlarge it)


In addition, you can see photographs by local photographer: Ferne Millen at 


If prompted, enter this password: RECONCILIATION2014


         Welcome w Uncle David        Mel presents        Cllr Eddy Kontelj        Richard Marles MP on CR


RecinPark Banner May14



RecinPk - whole site photo      The flags   Show bags w balloons    Mick Ryan sings w flags  people


       Deadly Dancers 2     Deadly Dancers 1      Norm  Megan 2        Ollie  Mick        Renee 1 

Djillong banner 2 w Uncle David  John B    Craig  Mick    Close the gap guitar   The Storyteller w Glenn 2  Politicians

Community RecinPark Banner1      Community RecinPark Banner4       Community RecinPark Banner3     Chris Couzens w Uncle David  Ian Trezise MP       Damper making

  Stacey  Myranda    Tiger girls    Mick Margrette  Ron   Djillongnecklace    Mel  Sheenagh

      Enjoyment    Jay w kids  Brian    Chris  daughter    Boomergang making w DD     Bronwyn with grass figures   

Johnstone Park Dreaming podcaste         Juliet  Spencer        Edwina Greg  Vicky          Bead making  



Clonard College; Ocean Grove Primary School; Whitington Primary School; Portarlington Primary School;

North Geelong Secondary College; Newcomb Secondary College; Herne Hill Primary

GG Art - feet June14     GG Art - Clonard June14     GG Art - Recognise Me June14     GG Art - primary sch June14



Reconciliation in the Park is a FREE event in Johnstone Park on Sunday 1st June 2014, 10am - 3pm.

This event is organised each year by a partnership of Geelong One Fire with the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative.

We are excited to be launching this new event logo which was designed and donated by local Aboriginal artist: Catherine Gibbs.

COLOUR LOGO Rec in park logo jpg 

Activities will include: Norm Stanley on the didgeridoo, The Deadley Dancers, Basket & Jewellery Making, Face painting & Boomerang making, Yarn with the Elders, learn about local Djillong history, chat about Constitutional Recognition and play The Storyteller game. Free BBQ and damper.

Local Aboriginal musicians: Mick & Ollie from The Louds, Craig Norman, Renee van-Parren

Mel King, a young member of the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-op, is co-ordinating the event this year .

"I think this is a fantastic and exciting event that gives the local Aboriginal community an opportunity to put ourselves out there , share our culture and show the world what we can do, stomp out some of the discrimination about us. This year's Reconciliation in the Park will demonstrate local Indigenous artists, musicians, and other exciting activities."

Any queries please email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reconciliation in the Park is funded through grants from: City of Greater Geelong, Reconciliation Victoria & Geelong Connected Communities.


Let's Talk Recognition - A Children's Art Exhibition

At the Geelong Gallery, showing art works from local schools

24 May to 9 June 2014 

2012-LOGO Geelong Gallery lock up-web version

This exhibition and program is sponsored by the City of Greater Geelong, Deakin University and Cavalier Art Suppliers